Tuesday, December 16, 2008

Castle MOC

Tell me what you think about my own LEGO castle creation

Monday, December 15, 2008

Micro construction

This micro construction was made by r10cyd from KLI forum, he never stop creating new invention and his imagination always amazed me. I love the way he made micro bulldoser, even in the micro size he managed to put everything inplace and still make a very good diorama. Great job Rio.

Sunday, December 7, 2008

Optimus Prime MOC

r10cyd from KLI made this wonderfull Transformable Optimus Prime, currently displayed at FX LEGO event in Jakarta. Too bad I can't take it out from the display case to make a good photo. Good work r10cyd, I'm waiting for another great mecha from you.

Jakarta FX LEGO event

Last saturday I went to Jakarta and I saw these Mini Indonesia LEGO event at FX mall. Some of my friend from Indonesian LEGO community (KLI) made these marvelous Indonesian building, from Candi Borobudur to Jakarta central train station. There's some other classic Indonesian house from Sabang to Merauke. You can see the rest at my flickr page